Are Portable Music Players Hurting Your Hearing? You probably often use your tablet or smartphone to stream music, TV shows, or movies. In fact, many websites these days auto-play videos regardless of whether you want them to or not. Smartphones,...
Use Audiobooks to Hone Your Hearing
Better Hearing Is a Process, Not an Event When you get hearing devices, your hearing improves dramatically. But there’s still plenty of fine-tuning to do. That’s why an experienced hearing care professional schedules follow-ups. As you encounter different environments in...
Aviation and Your Ears
What Happens to Your Ears During a Flight? Those moments during the beginning and end of a flight — you can’t hear yourself talk because your ears are plugged up from the pressure? That’s no fun! A question may pop...
Causes of Ear Itching
Why It Happens and What You Can Do About It Next to pain, itching is probably the most uncomfortable physical sensation. It is annoying, distracting, and in some cases, absolutely maddening. When that itching occurs in a place you can’t...
Why Do My Ears Feel Wet in the Morning?
Your Ears Work Hard So You Don’t Have To Many people notice that their ears feel wet in the morning from time to time (or often). If you can relate, you’ve probably wondered why it happens. Here’s the short answer:...
How Do I Get the Most Out of a Hearing Evaluation?
A: You’re already off to an ideal start — it’s important to see a trained hearing professional. They’ll help you make safe, effective decisions about your hearing health. But let’s get to some specifics — keep the following in mind....
Tips to Help You Live Longer With Hearing Loss
It’s Not Just About Hearing Hearing loss can affect not only your well-being but your overall quality of life as well. If you have hearing loss, read on for ways to be the happiest, healthiest you. Hearing Loss and...
How to Deal with Earwax
When it comes to ear cleaning, be gentle and consider leaving it to the professionals. The general consensus that we shouldn’t insert objects like cotton swabs into the ear canal is good advice, but many people disregard it because they feel they...
The Nutrients Behind Healthy Hearing
As we learn more about how nutrition affects health, many folks are taking a functional medicine approach to fine-tuning their diets — eating the right foods to prevent certain conditions. You’ve no doubt heard of heart-healthy foods as well as...
How Head Injuries Impact Hearing and Balance
The force of a traumatic brain injury (also known as a TBI, concussion, or head injury) can damage or displace the delicate bones of the inner ear, rupture the eardrum, and disrupt parts of the brain responsible for auditory processing....